python ANOVA & tukeyhsd

python ANOVA & tukeyhsd


Null Hypothesis – There is no significant difference among the groups
Alternate Hypothesis – There is a significant difference among the groups

Null Hypothesis 也简称为 H0

ANOVA (one- and two-way) assumes that all the groups are sampled from populations that follow a Gaussian distribution, and that all these populations have the same standard deviation, even if the means differ.

数据集采用 bottle.csv


# R_O2Sat: Reported Oxygen Saturation (percent)
# Depthm: Depth in meters (meters)

先用 pd.to_numeric 把这两个字段转为 numeric 并 drop na

再把 Depthm qcut 成五组,哦,四组吧,这样它就变成 categorical 类型的了。

使用 value_counts 可以看到每组内的样本数:

Second Quarter    180694
First Quarter     167191 
Last Quarter      166500 
Third Quarter     152063 
Name: Depthm, dtype: int64 

sns box plot 看下分布情况:

从上图可以看出,我们把Depth分了4个组,如果把每一个组里面 R_O2Sat 的均值提取出来,做为4个数字,那么这4个数字之间的差别非常大。

The mean value of R_O2Sat significantly differ among depth groups.

下面搞一搞 ANOVA

model = smf.ols(formula='R_O2Sat ~ C(Depthm)', data=sub).fit()

输出这么多,也就看看 Prob (F-statistic)了。

从上述输出中可以看到 Prob (F-statistic) 值为 0.00 远远小于阈值 0.05

we reject Null Hypothesis and alternative hypothesis is supported.

we can conclude that there exists an association between R_O2Sat and depth, there is a significant difference among the groups.

下面可以验证一下 ANOVA 计算的准不准。

分组求一下平均数: sub.groupby('Depthm').mean()

means for R_O2Sat by Depth
First Quarter  99.297642
Second Quarter 74.742944
Third Quarter  39.352210
Last Quarter   12.161153

可以看到 与 ANOVA 计算出来的组内均值(coef)是一样的。


standard deviations for R_O2Sat by Depth
First Quarter  10.594757
Second Quarter 22.869652
Third Quarter  18.165061
Last Quarter    9.108701


最后再用 tukeyhsd 验证一下:

mc = multi.MultiComparison(sub['R_O2Sat'], sub['Depthm'])
res = mc.tukeyhsd()


         Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05         
    group1         group2     meandiff p-adj  lower    upper   reject
 First Quarter   Last Quarter -87.1365 0.001 -87.2816 -86.9914   True
 First Quarter Second Quarter -24.5547 0.001 -24.6969 -24.4125   True
 First Quarter  Third Quarter -59.9454 0.001 -60.0939  -59.797   True
  Last Quarter Second Quarter  62.5818 0.001  62.4395  62.7241   True
  Last Quarter  Third Quarter  27.1911 0.001  27.0424  27.3397   True
Second Quarter  Third Quarter -35.3907 0.001 -35.5365 -35.2449   True

ANOVA 的结果只能说明 there is a significant difference among the groups,但无法得知具体是哪些组之间存在difference.

tukeyhsd 可以把4个组 进行两两比较,以便于找出哪两个组之间的difference比较大。

从 tukeyhsd 的结果可以看出,任意两组之间的 meandiff 都比较大,都reject了Null Hypothesis and alternative hypothesis is supported.

疑问:既然从 box plot 上就可以清晰地看出来每组的 mean value diff 非常大,为什么还需要做 ANOVA 呢?


发布于 2021-09-17 10:35