Android Content Providers(三)——Contacts Provider

接着上篇Android Content Providers(二)——Contacts Provider继续,接下来要说明的是顶层的Contacts,Contacts是聚合联系人表,在之前讨论的RawContacts是原始联系人表,在Android通讯录的架构中,分为聚合联系人、原始联系人和数据表三层。数据表主要存储数据和与原始联系人相关联的ID,Data表的字段Data在之前已经说明过,原始联系人RawContacts不直接存储数据,数据通过ID关联存储在数据表Data中,而关于聚合联系人,这里要先讲一下Android中的账户,Android可以绑定多个账户,在每一个账户下都可以有一份联系人信息,但是当我们进入通讯录,看到的其实就是聚合联系人,如果我们有多个账户,每个账户里都有同一个联系人,我们不希望看到同一个联系人重复出现很多次,所有有了聚合联系人表Contacts,Contacts同样通过ID与原始联系人表进行关联。下面看一下这三者之间的一个关系图:






MIME type


Pick a contact from a list


One of:

Not used

Displays a list of raw contacts or a list of data from a raw contact, depending on the content URI type you supply.

CallstartActivityForResult(), which returns the content URI of the selected row. The form of the URI is the table's content URI with the row'sLOOKUP_IDappended to it. The device's contacts app delegates read and write permissions to this content URI for the life of your activity. See theContent Provider Basicsguide for more details.

Insert a new raw contact



RawContacts.CONTENT_TYPE, MIME type for a set of raw contacts.

Displays the device's contacts application'sAdd Contactscreen. The extras values you add to the intent are displayed. If sent withstartActivityForResult(), the content URI of the newly-added raw contact is passed back to your activity'sonActivityResult()callback method in theIntentargument, in the "data" field. To get the value, callgetData().

Edit a contact


CONTENT_LOOKUP_URIfor the contact. The editor activity will allow the user to edit any of the data associated with this contact.

Contacts.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, a single contact.

Displays the Edit Contact screen in the contacts application. The extras values you add to the intent are displayed. When the user clicksDoneto save the edits, your activity returns to the foreground.


// Gets values from the UI

String name = mContactNameEditText.getText().toString();

String phone = mContactPhoneEditText.getText().toString();

String email = mContactEmailEditText.getText().toString();

String company = mCompanyName.getText().toString();

String jobtitle = mJobTitle.getText().toString();

// Creates a new intent for sending to the device's contacts application

Intent insertIntent =newIntent(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.ACTION);

// Sets the MIME type to the one expected by the insertion activity


// Sets the new contact name

insertIntent.putExtra(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.NAME, name);

// Sets the new company and job title

insertIntent.putExtra(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.COMPANY, company);

insertIntent.putExtra(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.JOB_TITLE, jobtitle);


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS">

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS">






Android应用程序组件Content Provider应用实例(5)

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